Our Success Stories



2024 Graduate - Fundamentals of Data Science

I came to Omaha Data Science Academy because it provided professionals a chance to learn during evening hours. It allowed me to balance my work hours while still having time to spent time on the weekends with my loved ones.
I learned from instructors who cureently worked in the industry which helped when applying examples to real situations. It also provided invaluable insight. They also gave quality instructions and provided resources to the class to enrich our knowledge even further.

22students have received scholarships to complete their certifications since 2022.

James Jones

James Jones

2024 Graduate - Fundamentals of Data Science

The Omaha Data Science Academy has opened up a new world of information that I had only read about in online articles. Now, I am part of the rare few who truly understand what Data Science is.

The instructors in the program were always exceptionally helpful and attentive, creating a learning environment reminiscent of a college course. The assignments and projects were challenging yet manageable, striking a perfect balance that made them both engaging and achievable.

Melinda Kozel

Melinda Kozel

2024 Graduate of the Business Intelligence Track

I, like many others, was laid off in my role as a UX/UI Designer in 2023. I loved doing design, but in my job search I found that my experience and skillset wasn’t matching the expectations for many companies.

I wanted to find a job – and a field – where I felt like I could actively work on projects to continually get better and lay the foundation for continued learning.

I also wanted to find a field where skillsets are highly sought after and opportunities were more sustainable.

Now as a data visualist and data analyst, I can use some of my old skills with my new ones – helping others present meaningful information.

77 ODSA Graduates since 2016


business intelligence  |  48

Machine Learning  |  30

Fundamentals of Data Science  |  28



2024 Graduate - Data Visualization, Tableau

Within my Industrial Organizational Psychology training, I received a deep understanding of data collection, statistical analyses, and interpretation. However, sharing statistical analyses with an academic audience is far different from presenting practical findings to a client.
Through the Omaha Data Science Academy, I received a crash course in visualizing data in a meaningful way to remove noise and focus the reader on key findings. Such new skills help me support my clients as I walk through the self-services dashboards we create for them.
My instructors through the Omaha Data Science Academy provided a safe space to try new techniques and ask questions. I walked away with the base knowledge of Tableau that would have taken me 3 times longer to learn myself.